Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How to check java is installed or not in ubuntu

Top sites by search query "how to check java is installed or not in ubuntu"

How to reset the root password in Debian or Ubuntu - Linux FAQ
Linux provides a special mode called "recovery mode" or "single user mode," whereby a Linux host boots into a single user environment where you get to access shared resources such as file systems exclusively. Why on earth, such a command will not ask for the prevalent password? Reply webhauser on July 9, 2014 at 1:22 am said: Thank you! It works perfectly for Debian 6.0 as simple as it is written

How to create your first Java program at JavaRanch
Test the installation by giving the following two instructions to the terminal: java -version javac -version If both those give the up-to-date version number, then the Java installation is already in your PATH and there is no need to edit the PATH as shown in the next section
As you see from the instructions, the process of updating is little more than deleting some files and running the same instructions over again with a new Java update. Wish he would of just copied the post here with the instructions or added a link instead of trying to take the credit for someones work and paste incorrectly

runtime - How to check whether java is installed on the computer - Stack Overflow
Output textfile is corrupted How fast does Roche limit disintegration proceed? Is it legal for an employer to charge an employee for lost equipment? Did J.K
Anyone else having the issue and is there a fix? hi1235 i am too it keeps lagging its frustrating COASTER19 It is only when on the battery power though, it has been a bug for a while. 1) What to do next? 2) How do I know that the UBUNTU boot has been selected? 3) How do I turn off the netbook? 4) Can I open UBUNTU from here? Please advise

How to Install JDK 8 (on Windows, Mac, Ubuntu) and Get Started with Java Programming
Step 7: (Optional) Download JDK API Documentation, Samples and Demos The JDK download does not include the documentation, which needs to be downloaded separately. If you are not sure whether you have older version(s) of JDK, check! Step 0(b): Understand Windows' CMD Shell Programmers need to know how to use CMD shell to issue commands

linux - How to check if I successfully installed java? - Server Fault
Product Registration is FREE and includes many benefits: * Notification of new versions, patches, and updates * Special offers on Sun products, services and training * Access to early releases and documentation Product and system data will be collected. If you do not have a package manager or are trying to manually install the JDK, I assume you already got the correct version of the JDK From the Sun website

How to install Ubuntu Touch on your Android phone or tablet - How-To - PC Advisor
Reboot into the bootloader by using the correct physical button combination for your device For example, the combination for the Nexus 5 is to hold down the volume up, volume down and power buttons simultaneously

How to Install Minecraft on Ubuntu or Any Other Linux Distribution
The OpenJDK and Oracle Java runtimes are almost identical, but the Oracle Java runtime does contain some closed-source code that might improve graphical performance
Reply vimukthi says: July 15, 2013 at 2:24 pm thnkz for help Reply Sanchixx says: July 21, 2013 at 7:19 pm I love you!!!!! Reply Erin Hodgess says: August 2, 2013 at 8:36 am Great guide! Thanks so much Reply debuger says: August 4, 2013 at 7:59 pm Very good post. Thanks so much Reply Roberto Marin says: August 21, 2013 at 3:03 am Excelent work! Reply mascot says: October 7, 2013 at 10:53 pm Very helpfull, big thx !! Reply aeternam says: October 16, 2013 at 2:27 pm Thnx for tutorial! Reply prashasth baliga b says: October 29, 2013 at 7:02 am really good one thanks a lot good job Reply dora says: December 24, 2013 at 5:18 pm thanks, this was really helpfull, very good tutorial, worked for me on ubuntu 13.10

openjdk - How do I install Java? - Ask Ubuntu
If you need Sun's Java, say if you want to play Minecraft, you download the JRE as you described from, but make sure your .bin-file can be executed. Note that the websites need to be marked as trusted too in the java control panel (this in turn is only possible if you do not have spaces in the full folder name of the unpacked jre)
Before using this make sure that this script is in the same directory as the .tar.gz file extension that you downloaded and there are no files that start with jdk-7 in the same folder. Now run the following command in a terminal to install Oracle Java JDK: sudo update-java After a few minutes, Oracle Java JDK should be successfully installed on your Ubuntu machine

java - How to install JDK on Ubuntu (Linux)? - Stack Overflow
You should use your path as per your installation.) For "PATH" (Environment Variable) type command as shown below, in "Terminal" using your installation path... I'm surprised that I don't see any answer with default method (repository without external PPAs) in Ubuntu 12.10+ for Oracle's JDK - will try to describe it
I have Ubuntu 10.04 and I tried the steps above, but when I typed these into the Terminal..It said: Package sun-java6-jre is not available but is referred to by another package

How to Install Oracle Java JRE on Ubuntu Linux (with Pictures)
Important Note: I would urge caution when enabling Oracle Java 8 in your web browsers, due to the fact there have been many numerous security flaws and exploits. For more information on security flaws and exploits in Java see the following website: Java Tester Google Chrome 32-bit Oracle Java instructions: Issue the following commands

8 Easy Ways to Install Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux
Submit Tips With Ubuntu Linux, you have the choice of whether to use OpenJDK, which is a free and open-source implementation of the Java programming language, or to use Oracle Java JDK and JRE. Some prefer to use Oracle Java (as it is the most up-to-date version of Java and it comes directly from the maintainers of Java technology), but this varies

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