Microsoft Access tips: Field type reference - names and values for DDL, DAO, and ADOX
Field type reference - names and values for DDL, DAO, and ADOX You can create and manage tables in Access using: the interface (table design view); Data Definition Language (DDL) query statements; DAO code; ADOX code
951 5,296 Sunday, July 19, 2015 12:38 AM In: RE: Virtual server By Blackdog Employers and Employees Opinions and questions about interactions with employees and employers. 58 731 Wednesday, April 8, 2015 4:39 AM In: RE: Movie Rental Database By Grant Fritchey Hardware Discussions about SQL Server hardware and sizing your servers
Microsoft Access 2007 Form Design Tips
Notice the transparent Command Buttons with graphics across the top of the form and the datasheet with alternating colors below it: Use System Colors for Office Themes In Access 2007, forms have color themes which can be changed globally across all the Office products. Or you can set it for a specific datasheet from the Home, Font section when viewing it: Reduce the Size of Graphics on Your Forms and Reports If you embed graphics on your forms or reports, Access 2007 can store them much more efficiently
Next time you start Microsoft Access, it uses the User and Group Accounts and Passwords stored in the workgroup information file for the workgroup you have joined. Creating a Microsoft Access Workgroup Information File When you install Microsoft Access, the Setup program automatically creates a Microsoft Access workgroup information file System.mdw that is identified by the name and organization information you specify
Manually creating the table in SQL Server wasn't hard, but took a few tries since the field types are a little different from Access and I didn't know that fields types (or identity fields) can't be set or changed once the table is saved in SQL Server 6.5. If you let the wizard place the timestamps, you must do more advanced bcp formatting so SQL Server knows how to map the fields from the text file to the database fields
Faster Microsoft Access Databases with 100+ Tips for Improving Performance and Speed
Optimize Bound ComboBoxes If the bound field in a lookup combobox is not the displayed field, don't use expressions for the bound field or the displayed field, don't use restrictions (the WHERE clause) in the row source, and use single-table row sources wherever possible. When you make certain changes to your database, it automatically becomes decompiled, which means that the compiled state that you created using the previous steps no longer exists
Is there away to convert those fields to text within access? I am thinking to do it after the import or should I do it on import? Thanks, Also thanks for all previous help, much appreciated. I do have the data in an access table, and the column name is called RemoteData with a data type memo(used memo because on importing the xml file, the RemoteData node had 1024 characters or less)
If we look at the following table, we will see that there has been problems with the data entry, and we wouldn't want to see this data appearing as is when we run reports. Data before running the strConv function To enable us to update the data in one go, rather than having to manually update each record, we can run an Update Query
Convert Text to Int - Microsoft SQL Server
I am guessing that: the error message is incorrect and that actually this field is of type varchar or similar, or the creator of this table made some careless error in using a text field to hold string data that might be converted to numeric data type. The average of a bunch of integers will be integer as well; if you want a result with decimals, you'll have to use a datatype with decimals (such as decimal(5,2), which specifies 3 digits to the left and 2 to the right of the decimal point)
Other People Are Reading How to Email a Single Access Form How to Add Leading Zeros in a Text Field in Microsoft Access Instructions Open your table in "Design View" by right-clicking the title in the "Navigation Pane" and selecting "Design View." Whether you access the table from a query or form, you have to set the data type in the underlying table
sql - How to convert a text field in an Access table to a rich text memo using VBA - Stack Overflow
I have considered creating a new Rich Text Field and then copying the contents of the old one (using a SQL CREATE TABLE statement followed by an UPDATE statement that applies the Plaintext function to the contents of the old field and then copies the result to the new field, and then further SQl to delete the old field and rename the new) but can't find out how to create a rich-text memo (default seems to be plain text). I can write a SQl statement that will modify a field from TEXT (255) to MEMO: ALTER TABLE tblSource ALTER COLUMN Detail1 MEMO However, this leaves the resultant memo field as a plain text memo
Convert Query field display from text to hyperlink - microsoft.public.access.queries
If you have all of the necessary information stored in the field, then what I was suggesting is that instead of having access issuing the followhyperlink when you click on a field that is declared a hyperlink, that you yourself issue the the command in the on dblclick (or single click) event
Microsoft Access tips: Converting to Access 2007
So if you delete the last form, and slip - tapping Del a second time, or not releasing it before the first AutoRepeat -you just deleted ALL forms, without confirmation. Save as PDF (Not needed once SP2 is applied.) The add-in from Microsoft to export PDF files (before Service Pack 2.) Developer Extensions and Access Runtime Microsoft's royalty-free runtime for Access 2007
Database administrators and ordinary users can use the query function to get real-time information from the database; queries can even display the data in an alternative format. Other People Are Reading How to Import Access Query Into Excel How to Convert Numbers to Text in Microsoft Excel Instructions Log on to your computer and open the Microsoft Access database you want to use
Convert text to date in MS Access query
This one uses only basic features of Access in a continous form so you can display a hierarchical table in a tree with nodes and subnodes, including the lines, like in an Explorer files and folder display. But if you want to see what happened last month, you have to open the query and type in the range, or -- if you're using fields on a form to supply your query with criteria -- enter the dates before you run the query
How to convert MEMO to Text(255) in SQL query in Access?
This one uses only basic features of Access in a continous form so you can display a hierarchical table in a tree with nodes and subnodes, including the lines, like in an Explorer files and folder display. But if you want to see what happened last month, you have to open the query and type in the range, or -- if you're using fields on a form to supply your query with criteria -- enter the dates before you run the query
sql - MS Access Convert like function to Memo Data Type - Stack Overflow
The only relevant function is CStr() (cast to String) but how its result are coerced to the various Access Database Engine text data types (variable length VARCHAR, fixed length CHAR, with or without Unicode compression, and MEMO) sadly is undocumented. For context: The workflow of this DB is that it has a single form that when specifying an Id, queries a linked table, generates a report based on the query result, and outputs it to PDF
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