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Quiz: The Facts on Sneezing
Previous Continue slide image Which is fastest? A cheetah A sneeze Usain Bolt Previous Continue slide image Which is fastest? Your Answer: Correct Answer: You can clock a powerful sneeze at about 100 mph! Cheetahs run full-out between 70 and 72 mph. Previous Continue slide image What's the right thing to do when you feel a sneeze coming on? Pinch your nose shut Bury your nose in your elbow Cover your nose and mouth with your hand Previous Continue slide image What's the right thing to do when you feel a sneeze coming on? Your Answer: Correct Answer: While good manners once called for catching sneezes in the hand, public health officials now warn that germs left behind can transfer to people or surfaces you touch soon after
Why do People Say "No Problem" in Response to "Thank You"?
If they're doing you a favor and they say "No problem" then I think it's perfectly valid, similar to how you say "de nada" in response to "muchas gracias" in Spanish. In other words, perhaps some people should think more about how others may make politeness a more informal affair, and not about whether they're correct in doing so
Still further, I assume that a sneeze involves a significant activation of certain pathways of the "autonomic" (roughly means automatic) nervous system. Said a different way, the muscle of your heart is a big mass of electrically active tissue, and this electrical activity will not stop because of a sneeze, or anything else for that matter
physician123 is online now Why would my side hurt when I sneeze? Resolved Question: My right side just below my rib cage hurts when I cough, sneeze, or blow my nose. JustAnswer is not intended or designed for EMERGENCY questions which should be directed immediately by telephone or in-person to qualified professionals
Eyes Shut When You Sneeze - HowStuffWorks
Therefore, sneezing seemed like an activity that would dislodge the soul and allow it to escape.In the Middle Ages, minor illness could lead to death, so the sound of someone sneezing was frightening. But that's unlikely to be the case since the force of a sneeze sends the particulates away from the face, not toward it.The more likely reason that eyes close during a sneeze is for no reason
Does Your Heart Really Stop When You Sneeze?
Stephanie has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of South Carolina and a graduate certificate in science communication from the University of California, Santa Cruz. When something tickles the upper lining inside the nose, nerves carry the signal to the medulla, which then triggers the eyes to close, the chest to contract, and the lungs to expel a burst of air at speeds approaching 100 mph
dopamine, for example, goes up or down, depending on which receptor is triggered, and that usually results in movement disorder , that results in obsessive- compulsive behavior . what you do is you infuse antibodies which serve to complex with the auto antibodies being generated by the immune system that go into the brain and cause the movement disorder
I suspect the sinus problem led to sneezing and the sneezing caused one or more of the discs in the lower cervical spine (neck) to weaken such that the nucleus of the disc is bulging out or partially herniated through the annular fiber portion of the disc into the space in the bony canals through which the spinal cord and nerve roots traverse. Hi,When you sneeze, you generate a huge, temporary increase in pressure in the spinal canal that houses the spinal cord and nerve roots that exit the spine to go out to the rest of the body, as well as the pressure in the disc between the vertebra
Growing up the story offered was that in earlier days sneezing was a sign that you had caught the latest disease and the Blessing was intended to give you divine protection from the evils of disease, presumably inflicted by some malevolent force like Satan or one of his minions. Of course now we know about germs and that blessings offer little, if any, protection but a blessing after a sneeze offers a gesture of concern and an amenity of an older and gentler southern culture
The practice of blessing a sneeze, dating as far back as at least 77 AD, however, is far older than most specific explanations can account for.One explanation holds that the custom originally began as an actual blessing. Later on, sneezing was always accompanied by some religious expression, such as God bless you!" posted on a forum about the term God Bless you by bud85348
Gabo Moreno 0 Jul 25 2012: Salud! Peter Law 0 Jul 25 2012: Think I read somewhere that this originated with a dreaded disease, Black Death, or something. I think Gesundheit is better, but agree with Bob...it's a thing not even worth noting, unless the sneezer is not properly blocking it (the curved-in elbow technique is the best way, supposedly)
The girl has been taught to be outspoken and bold about her faith, but she has also to learn better manners and how to deal in wisdom with those who do not believe as she does. The day we told God He was not welcomed is the day when the worst offenses went from writing on the bathroom walls to shootings, murder, rampant sex and drugs, to mention only a few
Likewise, allergies to animal dander, pet hair or pollen from plants can cause the same sort of reactions within your nose.When the inside of your nose becomes irritated, special nerves send a message to your brain. Share what you learn with a friend or family member! Did you get it? Test your knowledge Wonder Words sneeze dust flu nose lung cold virus lowdown trigger dander pollen pepper irritating allergic reflexive genetic superstition photic Take the Wonder Word Challenge Rate this wonder Join the discussion 22 Comments Share this wonder Join the Discussion Figherheart Apr 2, 2015 I liked the video today
Why We Say Gesundheit When Someone Sneezes
However, neither of these theories is backed by much in the way of actual evidence, and we may never know why people started responding to sneezes in the ways that they do. While the actual origin of sneeze etiquette is a mystery, the most popular and most plausible theory is that people believed a sneeze was a prelude to illness, and that wishing them health or luck with what was to come was only polite
Why do we say 'bless you' after sneezing? - Business Insider
In the 14th century Pope Gregory VII asked that 'God Bless You,' become "a short prayer to be said after every sneeze to protect against the plague," said the authors in the review. In most cases, "a sneeze is designed to expel foreign particles and irritants from your airway, particularly your nasal cavity, and is a protective reflex, said Dr
The Straight Dope: Why do we say "God bless you" after a sneeze?
When someone sneezes, say "God bless you and may the devil miss you." When you sneeze your soul tries to escape and saying "God bless you" crams it back in (said by Millhouse in an episode of The Simpsons). That way, all those germs won't be on your hands when you touch the countless things you're going to touch in the course of the day (don't tell us; we don't want to know)
Why do People Say "Bless You" When You Sneeze? (with pictures)
by email wiseGEEK Slideshows 10 most extreme places on Earth Top 10 unbelievable historical concurrencies Adorable animal families that will make you "aww" 10 hilariously insightful foreign words Top 10 facts about the world You won't believe these 10 facts about people These 10 animal facts will amaze you These 10 facts about space will blow your mind Top 10 amazing movie makeup transformations Can you see through these real-life optical illusions? For many people, saying "Bless you" or "Gesundheit" following someone else's sneeze is a conditioned response or reflexive action. The German blessing, Gesundheit, literally means "May you be called healthy," and most likely entered the American vernacular following the immigration of the Pennsylvania Dutch and other German populations
Why do we say 'bless you' or 'gesundheit' when people sneeze? - HowStuffWorks
No one says anything when someone coughs, blows their nose or burps, so why do sneezes get special treatment? What do those phrases actually mean, anyway?Wishing someone well after they sneeze probably originated thousands of years ago. Instead, we're more interested in how motherhood and fatherhood intersected with the careers of the most influential names in science, politics and the arts -- as well as some classic Hollywood icons
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