do i have to change method to manual and follow the original steps? or keep it as by bundle and name ?!if i keep the method to manual i cant find same iccid but if by change to budle name i dont get same iccidwith mnaual i got smae iCCid with my sim . I went back and changed to the 3rd SIM ID, went to Attempt Activate and BINGO!!!! The screen went blank except a little turning wheel in middle of the screen, and when it came back on I got a T-mobile signal!Moral of the story, if you do not succeed my selecting the first SIM ID on the ATT list, keep trying on down the list till you find the right one
Reply Link Bertie December 10, 2010, 11:46 pm I am in Afghanistan and cannot activate my Roshan simcard with the iphone Reply Link Bend it, Break it December 15, 2010, 7:28 pm all rite mate, i got iphone 4, version 4.0.2, my carrier VodaSHIT does not want to give me the unlock code so i can travel and use it abroad! they said that can only happen after the end of the contract. Worked great for me my 3gs has been activated ,wi-fi works, make phone calls with skype until jailbreak for 3gs ios4 old bootrom is out .Now I need to get my e-mail working
If you don't have De-Activate iPhone you can use De-Activate iPhone (clear push).Step SeventeenWith SAM enabled, tap Method and choose By Country and Carrier.Step EighteenTap Country and choose the country of your ORIGINAL SIM.Step NineteenTap Carrier and choose your ORIGINAL carrier that your iPhone is locked to.Step TwentyFor some carriers operating more than one Carrier ID you may need to select SIM ID. If you are unable to activate in Step Twenty Four then you have selected the wrong one.Step Twenty OneTap More Information and copy the IMSI under SAM Details to the clipboard.Step Twenty TwoTap Spoof Real SIM to SAMStep Twenty ThreeGo back to the main SAM screen and paste the IMSI number in your clipboard.Step Twenty FourConnect your iPhone to the computer and let iTunes reactivate your phone."Double click "Phone Number" parameter at the main device screen and make sure that the ICCID matches that of your SIM card." If not you need to start over from Step Fourteen."Step Twenty FiveUnplug your iPhone from the computer and close iTunes.Step Twenty SixReopen SAMPrefs from your SpringBoard and disable it using the Enabled switch.Step Twenty SevenConnect your iPhone to the computer and launch iTunes again
It works fine.posted by RedOrGreen at 2:23 PM on November 6, 2013 I used a verizion sim card and it stated it was the incorrect carrier and would not activate. Alternately, depending on what version of iOS you're running, you might be able to jailbreak it, or hacktivate (activate without normal carrier SIM), but this is probably overkill
Other People Are Reading How to Activate a New SIM Card Online How to Register My T-Mobile SIM Card Instructions Turn off your phone before inserting the SIM card. The SIM card can either be installed and activated by going into a T-Mobile store, or you can install it yourself after the SIM card has been activated through T-Mobile
Why Have It Unlocked? The reason why some like to have an unlocked iPhone is because the phone can be used worldwide and with different cellular providers. This new video will show you how to unlock a jailbroken iPhone 3G or 3GS with iOS version 3.1.3 or 4.0.1 and basebands 5.12.01, 5.13.04, 5.11.07, and 4.28.08
How to copy my iPhone contacts to my sim card? (without Jailbreak) - Ask Different
The Cellebrite line is pricey but most repair shops and cell stores carry one to do exactly what you ask if you're not looking to buy hardware yourself to accomplish the writing to the SIM memory
Have you made a video fixing that problem? Cause the only video i see is for Iphone 3gs Can you post here the link if you have the network fix for Iphone 3g. iphone 3g 4.2.1 downloaded redsnow and firmware (firmware from ipswdownloader) i selected my ipsw then jailbreak unclick all except cydia until the redsnow says done but on my device its just black screen! i tried waiting like for hours then it goes black, when i tried to open it, it just goes back to emergency calls
Reply Link DJYT04 December 24, 2010, 10:06 am i have thee same issue when i turn 3G on i got no service, when i turn it off everything comes back to normal. Reply Link huot July 6, 2011, 6:01 pm can this be done on ios 4.3.3 bb 6.15.00 ??? pls et me know asap would like to have longer battery life pls Reply Link douglas.dlc July 7, 2011, 5:07 pm Good morning
How To Activate Your iPhone Without Official iPhone Carrier SIM
skywalkeriom Thanks to Sherif I have at last after a couple of months waiting managed to jailbreak AND unlock my iphone 3GS firmware 3.1.3 baseband 5.12.0 WITH NEW BOOTROM. No shipping costs and 30 days shipping time, just cheap and fast blainegeneral Thanks for the tip! FYI I talked to several stores in my area US-MN and it sounds like they are closing them out
How-to Hacktivate iPhone iOS 5 (Activate iPhone without SIM Card)
Find the appropriate guide according to your iPhone model and iOS version and just follow the instruction carefully, then you will be able to hacktivate iPhone 4S, hacktivate iPhone 4, or iPhone 3GS iOS 5. So, this is basically one of great benefits of jailbreak, for those who bought used iPhone, or getting iPhone as gift, but cannot activate the iPhone because no valid SIM card available to activate it
How to Activate an Unlocked iPhone 4S
Thanks to Steve, Marcelo, and Antonio for confirming this solution with unlocked iPhone 4S models in the USA, Brazil, and Switzerland with a variety of carriers. Wait intently watching for the cellular tab to be selectable, quickly select, scroll down quickly and quickly select cellular data network, then pop out other sim and quickly put in straight talk sim
How to activate iPhone 4 with NO SIM card - JailbreakQA
(09 Feb '13, 15:22) golrafa Ok, if you wanna activate it and use it, you just have to jailbreak it using Sn0wBreeze 2.9.9, That's what I did for the phone of my wife, it worked ok, It will work for you for sure. I wanna give up and throw this phone away!! But thanks for the help anyway (09 Feb '13, 18:24) golrafa @Symphony Don't advise people to dial an emergency number and hang up
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