Learn More ANNOUNCEMENT July 7, 2015 Announcing the Community Vote for the 2015 Class of the Pro Tour Hall of Fame Nate Price This year, one of the slots on the voting committee goes to you: the Magic community! Learn More TOP 25 July 2, 2015 July 2, 2015 Wizards of the Coast Look back at the events that affected the Pro Rankings and forward to the ones which will shape the coming weeks'. Learn More ORGANIZED PLAY July 10, 2015 The Pro Tour Main Stage Mike Rosenberg Regional PTQ decklists, Pro Tour playmats, and Hall of Fame discussions highlight this week's Organized Play! Learn More THE WEEK THAT WAS July 10, 2015 Ballot Unboxing Brian David-Marshall BDM gives you an overview of the Magic Pro Tour Hall of Fame ballot, and announces the June Player of the Month! Learn More TOP DECKS July 10, 2015 Mulling over Modern Luis Scott-Vargas Luis shares the joy of casting Mulldrifter with the evolution of a Grixis Control deck he took to the Modern Festival
article - LEVEL ONE July 20, 2015 Tempo by Reid Duke For the next few weeks, Reid is revisiting some of the key concepts of Magic, updated for Magic Origins. Learn More SERIOUS FUN July 21, 2015 Jace and the Planeswalker Dilemma Bruce Richard Planeswalkers almost always become a major target in Bruce's multiplayer games
Set - The Magic: The Gathering Wiki - Magic: The Gathering Cards, Decks, and more
Traditionally, the large set of each cycle has been released every October, with the small expansion sets associated with it being released the following February and June; this practice began with Alliances in June 1996. The only block set to break the pattern of months after Ice Age Block is Dissension, which was released a month early, in May instead of June, because of the July release of Coldsnap
GatheringMagic.com - Magic: The Gathering Website
Tags: CMDR, CMDR Decks, Community, Deck Tech, Decklist, EDH, Multani, Multani Maro-Sorcerer, Uriah Oxford, Video, YouTube Editorial Jul21 Yet Another Hall of Fame Ballot, 2015 Edition by Adam Styborski Voting for the Pro Tour Hall of Fame class of 2015 wraps up today. Tags: Adam Styborski, Ballot, editorial, Hall of Fame, Pro Tour, Pro Tour Hall of Fame, Vote Standard Jul20 The New Standard: Magic Origins by Nick Vigabool The first Magic Origins Standard results are in! Nick breaks down what we saw in action over the weekend
Not only does this set have more of what made the Scars of Mirrodin set great - incredible artifacts, poison, Equipment, Myr - but it also introduces new mechanics like battle cry and living weapon. The humans continue the battle against monsters of all kinds, but this time the mighty Sorin has arrived to help them! Dark Ascension features 158 black-bordered cards, including randomly inserted premium versions of all cards in the set
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