iHart October 27th, 2012, 12:19 PM if you want these commands to work correctly you need to make sure you have spaces where needed and also no spaces where needed. Thank you in advance, Mike on Mackinac Island, MI Jay April 24th, 2011, 12:44 PM awesome guide, thanks! obviously in a drunk state last night i changed password and couldnt remember it, took me half day completing this though since i wrote a letter wrong all the f-ing time :) Camilo April 25th, 2011, 8:22 AM It works well tank you!!!!!!! xav April 26th, 2011, 6:11 AM LADS- THANKS YOU SAVED ME!! :) bertie April 28th, 2011, 4:38 AM lifesaving workaround thanks
I agree that not a lot of CPU power is needed these days for basic music production, but especially if you work with 3rd-party plugings (Waves, Kontakt, Reaktor, orchestra plugins, ...) the performance demands rise rather quickly.Click to expand... For my preferences - the answer is clear - I was hoping this thinking could help focus the OP on quantifiable desires that could lead to an obvious system choice
Regardless of their small size, they contain a number of connectivity options, including two Thunderbolt 2 and four USB ports, a Gigabit Ethernet RJ-45 jack and an HDMI terminal, along with an SDXC card slot for additional storage options
Mac mini review (mid 2011)
For whatever reason, Apple's made the new mini even less useful than the last, and while a Benjamin off the sticker is appreciated, it hardly puts it in a new class in terms of value. Losing the floppy drive when you have a smattering of other options is one thing; but spiking the optical drive? On a desktop computer? It's a terrible, terrible decision, and the truly ludicrous part is that Apple didn't even shrink the size the chassis to make up for it
The New Mac mini is Quickly Turning into a Disaster
It was soon revealed that Apple was using soldered RAM in the new Mac minis, an unfortunate development that meant that customers would no longer be able to upgrade their memory after purchase. I can`t understand Apple the Mac Mini could be the best computer ever made,and my old one 2007 proves it I am still connected to the internet it`s slow has you would expect and I have Photoshop on it
I don't understand the mac mini concept: The power supply is nearly as big as the computer - therfore, it's not really that small a computer, all things considered. So, any pronto users out there, if you could make sure your apple remote is set for Computer instead of iPod and then captue the codes from it and send me the .CCF i will be able to test
Mac mini media server: how to connect a Mac mini to your TV - Features - Macworld UK
Of course, you might instead connect your camera or Android mobile phone directly to the Mac Mini via USB, which again will open iPhoto to let you import and display the images. Read our Mac mini reviews: Read: Mac mini (Late 2014) 1.4 GHz review Mac mini (Late 2014) 2.8GHz review Mac mini (Late 2014) 2.6GHz review Choosing a model Even the slowest processor in the current Mac mini line-up will be able to handle every audio and video playback task you throw at it (including 1080p HD playback), and the minimum spec of 4GB of RAM is also more than enough
Apple - Mac mini - Built-in Apps
The inspector not only lets you add a location to your event, it also helps you out by suggesting locations as you type, then provides a map and a weather forecast. It makes full use of your display with a widescreen view featuring a full-height message on the right and an inbox view that shows you snippets of messages on the left
A third hand would come in really nice at this point! After putting the mini back together, but before the top is on, start it up and make sure everything is running right. Unless apple revised something? Or differences in SU vs Delta or combo? (Normally reinstalling a combo update is the old tip for update problems at least with supported macs
While the Mini was not the machine that turned me from full-on Apple products hater to Apple product user -- that distinction goes to the very first iPad, of which I have owned every iterative model since its release in 2010 -- the Mini is what actually turned me into a Mac user, albeit not exclusively. Why? Apple has forsaken us Mac Mini users.The new Mac Minis that were announced back in October are no longer upgradeable, and there are currently no other processor choices other than a dual-cores
Apple Mac Mini with Fusion Drive review - CNET
Instead, the larger write started out very fast for the first 4GB according to the progress bar, but for the rest of the transfer it slowed down considerably, ultimately taking more than 3.5 times as long to write as the smaller file. You only see a single 1.2TB drive volume when you look at the Mac Mini's hard drive, and any data transfer between the two drives happens with no user intervention
The only putty knife method seems somewhat dangerous to me, the risk of breaking the plastics which hold everything together seem to be way higher than with the two putty knifes method. Although there are lots of tutorials and guides out there in the internets which try to guide you through the process, I found most of them are outdated (their contents..
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