What does the phone number you dialed is temporarily unavailable mean - What does land line phone message mean the number you dialed is not accepting calls from this number :: Ask Me Fast
how do i change the esn number to activate the phone?If someone doesn`t have your number in contact list on viber, but you add their number without contacting them, can they find out your number - can thPhone number temporarily out of orderNew canon pixma mx430. true or false this is a sms message system used to disguise number called or incoming call? Can you help us by answering one of these related questions? When i dial out on my phone i cannot hear the phone ringing for the number called..it just connects to the number dialed?I called a t-mobile cell phone number and a recording came on saying: "the number you have dialed is not in service"?Hey i want to see the deleted log files such as dialed number or missed call number like that in my nokia phone?I lost my phone and although i got my number back i really need to get the the number that i last dialed on that night.can i retrieve this through o2?How do i set a number as an emergency number so that it could be dialed even if my samsung cell phone is locked?When i call one number in partilar the party dialed`s phone rings once then disconnects
Is there any way to achieve this? A way to change your ESN, or something like that?(Which, before anyone yells at me, is not illegal anywhere in the US.) Or if I buy an unlocked iPhone 4S, will that work with a SIM card? Thanks for any help!Click to expand... A cloned cellular telephone is one that has been reprogrammed to transmit the electronic serial number (ESN) and telephone number (MIN) belonging to another (legitimate) cellular telephone
How to Avoid Buying a Stolen Cell Phone Verizon Support: Locating ESN or MEID Numbers on Handsets; Apple: iPhone: Locating the serial number, IMEI, ICCID, or MEID; Resources. How to Find Your MEID on Your BlackBerry The ESN (Electronic Serial Number) or MEID (Mobile Equipment Identifier) numbers distinguish your mobile phone from others
How to Unlock Your iPhone Using SAM
like i said in the final step connecting to itunes no error message, just a baseband update i click yes my Iphone was att something, modem firmware 4.10.01, and now is claro puerto rico 11.1 with the same modem firmware is weird cause everybody gets an error. Should I keep on closing and reopening Itunes ? Or should I just reopen it just once and then wait until it works ? If yes, how long does it take ? Thanks for your help
How to unlock a Sprint iPhone 4 To a Verizon phone? HELP!!! - iPhone, iPad, iPod Forums at iMore.com
in this case I believe you but where theres a will there's a way webOSnation we wanted the pre2 on sprint so bad it came down to switching out the comm board from a Sprint pre- and a Verizon pre2 which were hardware compatible and creating a custom meta-script and we were able to get a Verizon phone running on Sprint without there knowledge.... So I looked up how to Switch a Sprint iPhone 4 to other carriers but I only found videos for how to switch a 4s so Please Help !!! Can't because Verizon and sprint won't add the meid number to each other network so even if it could work they won't allow it .
It is possible he created some sort of script that spoofs the activation process on sprint.com, thus returning the information as to whether the ESN is valid to activate or not
Minutes rollover every mo, I am not 12 so I only need to text my 12 yr old 4 or 5 times a mo, and I am usually within network range so data over 3G is minimal. 0 3 years ago Reply guest I was going to switch to Sprint, but they only accept pre-orders for existing customers?! and there is no way I'm standing in line on the 14th
Apple iPhone 5S review - CNET
Scanning your finger takes the place of entering a passcode in most instances, or entering a password every time you purchase something from the App Store or iTunes. But, after a week of using the iPhone 5S, it's hard to find situations that currently take advantage of these features, except for the fingerprint sensor and camera
Apple iPhone 5 review - CNET
View full gallery (10 Photos) CNET Why the move away from a glass back? Is it about creating a better, more durable finish, or is it about weight reduction? Apple's proud of its claims of how light the iPhone 5 is, and the new aluminum back is part of that. I didn't notice any problems when switching between LTE and 4G, but I tended to find myself stationary in a place that had LTE service or a place that didn't, without much time to test the transition midcall
Thanks Reply Sam says: September 25, 2013 at 7:28 pm I have a iphone 5 on ios 7 Reply Joe says: October 17, 2013 at 10:04 pm I managed to get my Sprint iPhone 5 with bad ESN to work. and confirm if this ebay item numbers are fake or real because are different pictures: 261294231440 and 321145112477 Reply lorenzo says: October 10, 2013 at 1:23 am I have iphone 5 sprint iso 6.1.4 and run 2g
Reply iphonerepair says: November 8, 2013 at 5:04 pm at the moment all checks are returning the same results even if the ESN is regular bad Reply Name (required) Mail (will not be published) (required) Website Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published
Although ESN, MEID, and IMEI are distinct identification standards, ESN has come into popular usage as a catch all for the serial number (in whatever format it may be in) for the phone in question. When he's not documenting mods and hacks he's doing his best to make sure a generation of college students graduate knowing they should put their pants on one leg at a time and go on to greatness, just like Bruce Dickinson
A customer service representative can tell you whether the phone has a bad ESN because of a remaining balance on an account, or whether the phone bearing that number was reported lost or stolen
It is still on a active account, this does happen from time to time, a person will switch phone companies but will forget to cancel service for what ever reason but then donate the phone without realizing that someone else might run into a problem, usually customer service will not remove it from an account without the owner being on the phone, and being that this is something sellers don't know you will have to request an exchange or refund from the seller. Share Here we are going to disclose some Dirty industry secrets: You purchased a Cell phone on eBay but when you call your Cell phone company they tell you the phone has been reported Lot or Stolen, Or it has an Unpaid bill
You might also want to know that these services are not limited for iPhone only, any device such as iPad or Android smartphone can only also be removed from network blacklist. Ask for a refund from your seller This may be a long shot, but if you bought it used on eBay, you can ask for a refund from the seller by following the refund procedures set by eBay
What can I do with a phone that has a bad ESN?
First of all, what exactly is a bad ESN? Well, it can mean a couple things: One meaning of a bad ESN would be a phone that was purchased from a carrier on a contract. When this happens, carriers will often flag the ESN or place it on a blacklist, preventing the phone from being activated within the same carrier, and sometimes even on other carriers
What does clean ESN mean
These videos help you learn the right way to clean electronics so that your purchases last longer.Due to the large number of water damage claims, some manufacturers make waterproof electronics, such as keyboards, laptops and tablets. These Chicago carpet cleaners should be able to provide you with what you are looking for, but doing research before hiring is always a good idea.Carpet cleaning machines can be purchased in stores
iPhone 101: What is an ESN and how can it go bad?
What do I do if I bought a phone with a bad ESN? An ESN can only be cleared by the original owner of the phone, so you would need to contact that person. How do I get a bad ESN? You can get a bad ESN three ways: reporting your phone as lost or stolen, if the phone is still active on your wireless account or if you have an outstanding balance on your account
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