BashFAQ - Greg's Wiki
How can I avoid losing any history lines? This method is designed to allow you to store a complete log of all commands executed by a friendly user; it is not meant for secure auditing of commands - see securing bash against history removal. mktemp exists more widely (but still not ubiquitously), but it may require a -c switch to create the file in advance; or it may create the file by default and barf if -c is supplied
A good friend of mine called me once and went on for 30 minutes about how he was submitting a patch to the Jakarta Struts project (a JSP framework from the Apache Software Foundation). Could you see Ruby and Rails eventually following a similar path, or do you think its role will be something different? DHH: We have a wide enterprise audience that uses Rails simply because it gets the job done, faster
We may be able to give Don't send Word format! the status of netiquette, if we start systematically raising the issue with everyone who sends us Word files. (Anyone using those recruiters for free software jobs is not likely to get a competent employee.) To help change this practice, you can put a link to this page into your resume, next to links to other formats of the resume
How To Use DoulCi To Unlock iPhone For Free (Guide)
i cannt find activator help meReplyRenato Barbosa on May 24, 2014 03:26:37Op unlocks itunes, however the iphone is still locked with msg on screen!Replygio on May 24, 2014 19:56:42Same here. After that there is some code gibberish and the Itunes just open as per usual, but my phone is still locked.How can I go thru with this?Replyasif on May 24, 2014 13:46:06hi all it works for me on iphone 5 (copy that magic line and past it at botom of your hosts file then save it) on itunes but on device its still lock with apple id and password.
Sigils Reboot: How To Get Big Magic From Little Squiggles
How is it not the weekend yet?, 5 hours agoRT @ClickHole: Disturbing: This Man Is Wearing Socks In The Grass (more) (more), 22 hours agoHolidays are looking pretty far away right now. When I go to activate the sigils, am I supposed to know what they mean, and THEN forget, or is it okay to go in already having forgotten? Thanks again! 52 Jason on March 14, 2014 at 10:45 pm This has to be one of the best posts on Sigil work on the entire internet
or command prompt, we are running cmd.exe placed in system32 directory, similary When we press shift key 5 times or use sticky keys feature, system actually starts the executable file sethc.exe placed in system32 directory. What is Email Spamming and Email Bombing ? Email Bombing as clear from the name is sending the mass emails that is large number of emails to a email ID in a single click
Juan Carlos Garon said am July 20 2009 @ 1:18 pm Juan, if your host is using Windows, just ask your host to add IIS permissions to the temporary PHP folder. Lucky saw your posting just in time! Thanks again! Stuart said am September 29 2013 @ 11:02 pm You are a legend!! Pramod said am October 7 2013 @ 11:05 pm Thanks Garon
Just the videos and course materials alone are worth the price of the course, but Steve also makes himself available to help you individually when you need it. The step by step details on how to get started, find a niche, source inventory, set up a website and market your store are easy to understand, extremely organized and motivating
How the Maker of TurboTax Fought Free, Simple Tax Filing - ProPublica
As long as you have the option to ignore it and pay somebody else to do your taxes (or do them yourself) why would you oppose it - unless, like Intuit, this is how you make your living? Seriously. Roughly 25 million Americans used TurboTax last year, and a recent GAO analysis said the software accounted for more than half of individual returns filed electronically
How To Become A Hacker
Beware, though, of the hideous and nigh-unusable "Unity" desktop interface that Ubuntu introduced as a default a few years later; the Xubuntu or Kubuntu variants are better.You can find BSD Unix help and resources at good way to dip your toes in the water is to boot up what Linux fans call a live CD, a distribution that runs entirely off a CD without having to modify your hard disk. Hackers will sometimes do things that may seem repetitive or boring to an observer as a mind-clearing exercise, or in order to acquire a skill or have some particular kind of experience you can't have otherwise
How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships: Leil Lowndes: 9780071418584: Books
How to Talk to Anyone, which is an update of her popular book, Talking the Winner's Way (see the 5-star reviews of the latter) is based on solid research about techniques that work! By the way, don't confuse How to Talk to Anyone with one of Leil's previous books, How to Talk to Anybody About Anything. After being a teacher for six years and still feeling socially insecure, she decided to leave the teaching profession and work only in situations which put her in constant touch with a wide variety of individuals
How to Grow Marijuana
We know one of the best know Dutch seed banks uses them to grow some of their top secret buds, we have seen it with our own eyes and know they work better than HPS. My sativa plants stem is bending at the bottom, The leaves are healthy but the tips are curling abit and can i use ice water instead of tap water ? Reply joyce benevedo August 22, 2013 at 2:31 am Help outside grow little green catepillars ruining my buds!!!!!! Reply ansberry February 25, 2014 at 7:50 pm 9dv2I live in so cal where it has essentially been summer all winter
How to Use Email and Be More Productive
Share Like Add All Your Addresses for Sending Do you like the web interface? You can use it for sending mail with any of your addresses. Share Looking for an Easy Easy Way to See When You're Free and Send by Email, Too? Want to ease scheduling by letting others know when you are free? Outlook for iOS makes it easy for you: pick time on your calendar and insert it into an email with verve for others to check and confirm
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